Academic Personnel Manual

Table of Contents

Universitywide policies listed below begin with "APM." UC Davis policies and procedures begin with "UCD" and are highlighted below. Not all Universitywide policies have UCD procedures. Universitywide policies are issued by the Office of the President and apply to all campuses and laboratories. UCD procedures are developed by Academic Affairs and issued by the Offices of the Chancellor and Provost and apply only to UCD, which includes all units under the jurisdiction of UC Davis, located in Davis, Sacramento, and all off-site locations.

Throughout these policies, the term "Chancellor" refers to the Chancellor and/or the Chancellor's designee. Responsibilities that cannot be redelegated by the Chancellor are stated explicitly within the policy.

Select a link to view the specific section:
I. General University Policy Regarding Academic Appointees
II. Appointment and Promotion
III. Recruitment
IV. Salary Administration
V. Benefits and Privileges

I. General University Policy Regarding Academic Appointees
APM 005Privileges and Duties of Members of the Faculty
APM 010Academic Freedom

APM 011




Academic Freedom, Protection of Professional Standards, and Responsibilities of Non-Faculty Academic Appointees

Grievance Alleging Professional Standards Violation Form

APM 011 Frequently Asked Questions

Academic Titles and Academic Freedom Related Protections

APM 015The Faculty Code of Conduct
 UCD-015, Procedures for Faculty Misconduct Allegations
 Exhibit A, Examples of Unacceptable Faculty Conduct
 Exhibit B, Allegations of Misconduct Request for Review
APM 016University Policy on Faculty Conduct and the Administration of Discipline
 UCD-016, Procedures for Faculty Discipline
APM 020Special Services to Individuals and Organizations
APM 025Conflict of Commitment and Outside Activities of Faculty Members
 UCD-025, Conflict of Commitment and Outside Activities of Faculty Members 
APM 028Disclosure of Financial Interest in Private Sponsors of  Research
APM 035Affirmative Action and Nondiscrimination in Employment
APM 036Employment
APM 075Termination for Incompetent Performance
APM 080Medical Separation
APM 100Academic Personnel Policies and Procedures/General
APM 110Academic Personnel Definitions
APM 112Academic Appointee/Titles
APM 113Academic Appointee/Title Codes
APM 115Academic Appointee/Equivalent Titles and Ranks
APM 120Emeritus Titles
 UCD-120, Emeritus Titles 
APM 130Tenure
APM 133Limitation on Total Period of Service with Certain Academic Titles
APM 135Security of Employment
APM 137Non-Senate Academic Appointees/Term Appointment
APM 140Non-Senate Academic Appointees/Grievances
 UCD-140, Non-Senate Academic Appointees/Grievances 
 Exhibit A, Academic Personnel Grievance: Request for Formal Review
 Exhibit B, Academic Personnel Grievance: Request for Extension of the 30-Day Time Limit for Filing a Step II Grievance
 Exhibit C, Academic Personnel Grievance: Request for Appeal of Formal Review Decision
 Exhibit D, Hearing Procedures
APM 145Non-Senate Academic Appointees/Layoff and Involuntary Reduction in Time
 UCD-145, Non-Senate Academic Appointees/Layoff and Involuntary Reduction in Time 
APM 150Non-Senate Academic Appointees/Corrective Action and Dismissal
APM 158Rights of Academic Appointees, Including Rights Regarding Records
APM 160Academic Personnel Records/Maintenance of, Access to, and Opportunity to Request Amendment of
APM 190Appendix A, Policy on Reporting and Investigating Allegations of Suspected Improper Governmental Activities (Whistleblower Policy)
 Appendix B, University Policy on Integrity in Research
 Appendix C, University of California Policy on Substance Abuse
 Appendix D, Policy Governing Travel to Scholarly Meetings and Field Research Travel
 Appendix E, Program Description-Salary Differential Housing Allowance Program
 Appendix F, Policy on the Use of Non-19900 Fund Sources to Support Ladder-Rank Faculty
 Appendix G, Program Description--Retirement Contributions on Academic Appointee Summer Salary
APM 191Policy on Endowed Chairs and Professorships
 UCD-191, Endowed Chairs 
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II.  Appointment and Promotion
APM 200General
APM 205Recall for Academic Appointees
APM 210Review and Appraisal Committees
APM 220Professor Series
 UCD-220, Table of Contents
 UCD-220, Academic Senate Review and Advancement 
 Procedure 1, Appointment
 Procedure 2, Merit, Appraisal, Promotion, Career Equity Review, and Preliminary Assessment
 Procedure 3, Postponement and Deferral
 Procedure 4, Five-Year Review 
 Procedure 5, Appeal
 Exhibit A, Consultation and Voting Procedures on Academic Senate Personnel
 Exhibit B, Language Required When Letters of Evaluation are Solicited or Received 
 Exhibit C, Guidelines for Preparation of Publication and Other Creative Efforts List
 Exhibit D, Guidelines for Evaluation of Department Chairs (instructions to the deans)
 UCD-220AF, Academic Federation Review and Advancement 
 Exhibit A, Criteria Used for Evaluating Performance When Soliciting Extramural Evaluations
 Exhibit B, Model Format for Letters Soliciting Extramural Evaluations for Academic Federation Promotions
 Exhibit A, Sample Agreement
APM 230Visiting Appointments
APM 235Acting Appointments
APM 240Deans
 UCD-240, Appointment and Review of Deans 
APM 241Faculty Administrators (Positions Less Than 100%)
APM 245Department Chairpersons
 UCD-245A, Appointment and Review of Department Chairpersons 
 Exhibit A, Duties of Clinical Department Chairpersons
 UCD-245B, Appointment and Review of Graduate Group Chairs 
 Exhibit A, Duties of Graduate Group Chairs
APM 246Faculty Administrators (100% Time)
APM 260University Professor
APM 265Presidential Chairs
APM 270Professor of (e.g., Psychology) in Residence Series
APM 275Professor of Clinical (e.g., Medicine) Series
 UCD-275, Professor of Clinical (___) Appointments in the School of Medicine
APM 278Health Sciences Clinical Professor Series
APM 279Clinical Professor Series, Volunteer Series
APM 280Adjunct Professor Series
 UCD-280, Adjunct Professor Series
APM 283Lecturer and Senior Lecturer
APM 285Professor of Teaching Series
APM 289Guest Lecturers
APM 290Regents' Professors and Regents' Lecturers
APM 310Professional Research Series
APM 311Project (e.g., Scientist) Series
APM 320Agronomist Series
 UCD-320, Appointment and Promotion of Agronomists in the AES Series 
 Exhibit A, Evaluating Split Appointments
APM 330Specialist Series
 UCD-330, Appointment, Merit, and Promotion of Specialists
APM 334Specialist in Cooperative Extension Series
 UCD-334, Appointment and Promotion of Specialist in Cooperative Extension 
 Exhibit A, Evaluating Split Appointments: Specialist in Cooperative Extension with a Professorial Title
 Exhibit B, Evaluating Split Appointments: Specialist in Cooperative Extension with an Agronomist (_____ in the Agricultural Experiment Station) Title
APM 335Cooperative Extension Advisor Series
APM 340Continuing Educator
 UCD-340, Appointment and Advancement of Continuing Educators
 UCD-340A, Appointment of Program Coordinators
 UCD-340B, Appointment and Promotion of University Extension Teachers 
APM 350Clinical Associate
APM 355Non-Salary Research Positions
APM 360Librarian Series
APM 365Associate University Librarian and Assistant University Librarian
APM 370Academic-Administrator Series
 UCD-370, Appointment and Promotion of Academic Administrators
APM 375Academic Coordinator Titles
APM 380Faculty Consultant
APM 385Independent Contractor
APM 390Postdoctoral Scholars and Appendix A, Transition Guidelines
APM 410Student-Teachers
APM 415Language Assistant
APM 420Reader
APM 430Visiting Scholars and Other Visitors
Other UCD II. Appointment Appendices 
 UCD App. II-A , Joint Appointments and Faculty Exchanges
 UCD App. II-B, Appointment of Graduate Students and Postgraduate Researchers to Academic Positions
 UCD App. II-C, Appointment and Review of Directors of Organized Research Units 
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III. Recruitment
IV. Salary Administration
APM 600Salary Administration/General
APM 610Salary Increases/General Scale Increases (Range Adjustments)
APM 620Off-Scale Salaries for Appointments and Advancements
 UCD-620, Policies and Procedures for Administration of Off-Scale Salaries 
APM 633Stipends/Academic Appointees
APM 650Technical Assistance Projects
APM 661Additional Compensation/Summer Session Teaching
APM 662Additional Compensation/Additional Teaching
APM 663Additional Compensation/University Extension Correspondence Courses
APM 664Additional Compensation/Services as Faculty Consultant
APM 666Additional Compensation/Lectures and Similar Services
 UCD-666, Additional Compensation/Lectures and Similar Services 
APM 667Additional Compensation/Extramurally Funded Research
APM 670Health Sciences Compensation Plan and Guidelines on Occasional Outside Professional Activities by Health Sciences Plan Participants
APM 671Conflict of Commitment and Outside Activities of Health Sciences Compensation Plan Participants
APM 672Negotiated Salary Program
APM 675Salary Administration/Veterinary Medicine
APM 680Salary Conversion for Transfer of Academic Appointees to Laboratories
 UCD App. IV-A, Administration of the Business/Economics and Engineering Salary Plan
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V. Benefits and Privileges
APM 700Leaves of Absence/General
APM 710Leaves of Absence/Sick Leave/Medical Leave
APM 711Reasonable Accommodation for Academic Appointees with Disabilities
APM 715Leaves of Absence/Family and Medical Leave
APM 720Leaves of Absence/Holidays
APM 730Leaves of Absence/Vacation
APM 740Leaves of Absence/Sabbatical Leaves
APM 750Leaves of Absence/Leave for Service to Governmental Agencies
APM 751Leaves of Absence/Military Leave
APM 752Leaves of Absence/Leave to Attend Professional Meeting
APM 758Leaves of Absence/Other Leaves with Pay
APM 759Leaves of Absence/Other Leaves Without Pay
APM 760Leaves of Absence/Childbearing Leave, Parental Leave, and Active Service-Modified Duties
APM 765Death Payments
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