
Partner Opportunities Program (POP)

What is the Partner Opportunities Program?

Under the direction of the Vice Provost—Academic Affairs, the UC Davis Partner Opportunities Program (POP) is a service designed to support departments and deans offices in the recruitment and retention of outstanding faculty by assisting their partners and spouses in seeking employment at UC Davis.

Who is Eligible?

Eligibility is limited to the partners/spouses of prospective or current full-time Academic Senate faculty (with a minimum 50% faculty appointment in the ladder rank professorial series), all ranks in the Professor of Teaching Series as well as the Specialists in Cooperative Extension Series, Deans, Faculty Administrators and members of the Senior Management Group.

How are POP Services Initiated?

POP services may be requested by contacting the Department Chair. If approved at the department level, the department initiates a POP request that is routed for additional approval through the Dean of the school or college, and the Office of Academic Affairs. Once approved by the Vice Provost—Academic Affairs, the POP program may then provide assistance to the prospective or current UC Davis faculty member’s partner/spouse. Introductory POP meetings may be scheduled while approval is pending.

To initiate a POP request, please visit our electronic forms site, here.

What Can POP Provide?

POP services typically includes assistance for a partner/spouse who is looking for employment opportunities at UC Davis. POP can serve as a resource to explore career goals, job opportunities and/or arrange contacts and informational interviews. It is important to note, however, that POP cannot guarantee job placement or the successful resolution of employment issues.

Are There Other Resources?

There is an array of information, resources and programs available to UC Davis employees to address areas related to work life integration (HR Work Life and Wellness). As a UC Davis faculty member, there are specific programs that address work life interests.  For more information visit: (https://academicaffairs.ucdavis.edu/work-life). 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I am being recruited for a faculty position and my partner needs employment. What should I do?
  • The following titles are eligible for POP services: Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Senior Lecturer with Security of Employment Lecturer with Security of Employment Lecturer with Potential Security of Employment Cooperative Extension Specialist Dean Faculty Administrator Senior Management Group. If you will be appointed to an eligible title, begin by contacting the Department Chair or hiring manager to request POP services.  Your request is reviewed by the department and if approved, routed to the Dean of the college or school.  Final approval resides with the Vice Provost—Academic Affairs.
  • If I am approved for POP services, will my partner/spouse be guaranteed a position?
  • The POP program cannot guarantee employment. POP can help clients by examining career interests, suggesting transferable linkages between prior experience and university positions, arranging informational interviews, and promoting POP applications to hiring managers.  The POP program may also make recommendations related to training/professional development and career counseling.
  • Can an approved POP client defer POP services?
  • POP services may be requested on a deferred basis or suspended up to 2 years from when the POP request was approved, but only on an exception basis by the Vice Provost.  This may occur when a partner/spouse is not relocating immediately or seeking employment at the time the POP request is approved.
  • How long can a POP client expect to receive assistance?
  • Once POP services are initiated, clients are generally eligible for POP services for up to 12 months from the date services commence.
  • What do I need to know if I am coming to UC Davis from another country?
  • For international clients, eligibility to work is contingent upon visa status. The POP program can facilitate a referral to Services for International Students and Scholars (SISS) to assist in determining the eligibility of the client for employment:  https://siss.ucdavis.edu/.
  • What if my spouse/partner is interested in non-university/external employment?
  • The Capital Resource Network can provide assistance to spouses/partners seeking external employment in the region, new arrival/community integration and cultural integration.  For more information visit: https://academicaffairs.sf.ucdavis.edu/capital-resource-network.
  • I'm not eligible for POP services. Are there web resources for finding jobs in the area?
  • Yes, the web links below provide information about academic and staff employment opportunities. Additionally, the Capital Resource Network is another option to support finding jobs in the area for partners/spouses of University hires: https://recruit.ucdavis.edu/;www.employment.ucdavis.edu/applicants/jsp/shared/Welcome_css.jsp;www.hercjobs.org/northern_california; https://academicaffairs.sf.ucdavis.edu/capital-resource-network
  • Where can I find general information about the Davis area?
  • Useful resources include: UC Davis Front Door:  https://frontdoor.ucdavis.edu/;City of Davis: http://cityofdavis.org/;City of Woodland: http://www.cityofwoodland.org/;City of Sacramento:  http://portal.cityofsacramento.org/;City of Dixon:  http://www.ci.dixon.ca.us/;City of Vacaville:  http://www.ci.vacaville.ca.us/; and Housing: SabbaticalHomes.com

Partner Opportunities Program (POP) Brochure

Contact Information

For additional information about the POP program, please contact:

Amanda Vice                                                               Linda Assadian
Dual Career Manager for CRN & POP                       Director for CRN & POP
Office of the Vice Provost- Academic Affairs           Office of the Vice Provost- Academic Affairs
University of California, Davis                                    University of California, Davis
One Shields Ave                                                         One Shields Ave
Davis, CA 95616-8501                                                Davis, CA 95616-8501
Phone: (530) 304-8512                                               Phone: (530) 574-8480
Email: avice@ucdavis.edu                                          Email: llassadian@ucdavis.edu