Career Equity Review

A Career Equity Review consists of an assessment of the candidate's overall record, not just the accomplishments during the normal review period, using the University's established criteria for the requested rank and step. It is a separate review and is submitted at the same time as merit or promotion.

The following criteria are required before a CER may be initiated:

  • CERs may not be requested more frequently than once every six years
  • Faculty who previously submitted a CER may not resubmit the same arguments in any new request
  • Only faculty who have held an eligible title (refer to checklist for a list of titles) for at least four years and have not been reviewed by CAP during the last four years can be considered for a CER

Career Equity Process

Career Equity Checklist

Voting on Career Equity Review: sample ballot

Career Equity Review Ballot for Dr. __________

Please vote by selecting one of the options below; add your comments where indicated.

  • I support a Career Equity Review based on the assumption that Dr. __________'s merit/promotion to _____ (for which I have voted on as a separate action) is approved. My reason(s) for supporting a Career Equity Review are provided below.
  • I support a Career Equity Review although I voted against Dr. __________'s merit/promotion (which was a separate action). My reason(s) for supporting a Career Equity Review are provided below.
  • I do not support the requested Career Equity Review. My reason(s) are provided below.
  • Comment on selection:

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Career Equity Reviews

  • What is a career equity review?
  • A career equity review (CER) is a review that is designed to examine those rare cases in which normal personnel actions, from the initial hiring onward, may have resulted in an inappropriate rank and step—that is, the candidate’s rank and step may not be commensurate with his or her record of research, teaching, professional activity, and service. The purpose of a CER is to recalibrate rank and step, not salary.

    The review consists of an assessment of the candidate’s overall record, not just the accomplishments during the normal review period, using the University’s established criteria for the requested rank and step.

  • Are CERs conducted separately from regular academic reviews?
  • Yes. A CER is a separate review and not a substitute for the normal academic review. However, a CER can only be requested in the academic year that you are also being considered for a merit or promotion review.
  • Who is eligible for a CER?
  • The following Senate titles are eligible:

    Associate Professor

    Professor, Steps I through VIII

    Associate Professor of Teaching

    Professor of Teaching, Steps I through VIII

    Associate Professor of Clinical ____

    Professor of Clinical ___, Steps I through VIII

    Associate Professor in Residence

    Professor in Residence, Steps I through VIII

    Note: Only faculty who have held an eligible title (see list above) for at least four years and have not been reviewed by CAP during the last four years, can be considered for a CER.

  • How do I request a CER?
  • You must submit a written request for a CER to your department chair at the time of your merit/promotion action.

    Your written request for a CER must provide justification for such a review. Possible justification may include, but is not limited to, the following:

    1) the cumulative record warrants an acceleration, even though no one review period did;

    2) the rank/step was inappropriately low at the time of initial hiring;

    3) work and contributions have been overlooked or undervalued by the department and/or other reviewing agencies.

    You must identify the specific area(s) of your record that you believe was not previously evaluated properly or the area(s) of the record that indicates that you were not hired at a rank and step commensurate with your accomplishments.

  • What materials will my department consider in assessing my record?
  • Your department colleagues will consider the justification you provide plus your overall record of research, teaching, service, and professional competence.
  • Will the department and reviewers compare my record to others?
  • Departments are not expected to make comparisons between specific, individual faculty. Your department will evaluate your entire career in order to determine if your current standing meets a standard of equity in comparison to department/campus colleagues that are equal to or higher in rank and/or step. In some cases, this comparison may be difficult for your department faculty to do and they may choose to abstain. Such abstentions will be accepted without prejudice.
  • Can a department chair, FPC, dean, or Vice Provost initiate a CER on my behalf?
  • No. While Chairs, Deans, and/or the Faculty Personnel Committee may identify a faculty member whom they believe should be considered for a CER, it is the faculty member who must make the request. Thus, Chairs, Deans, and/or the FPC will provide feedback to the faculty member who would then have the option of requesting a CER following the process described in the UC Davis Career Equity Review Process.

    Note: Any CER whose resolution involves promotion, or merit to Professor, Above Scale will require
    that the department solicits extramural letters.

  • Can CAP identify cases in which a CER may have been appropriate but was not requested and recommend a CER to the Vice Provost?
  • Yes, the Vice Provost will then consult with the Dean who in turn will consult with the department faculty who, by virtue of Senate Bylaw 55 provides that Senate faculty are entitled to vote on advances in rank and step of their department Senate colleagues.

    Note: Any review that is initiated by the dean, FPC, Vice Provost or CAP and that requires a review for promotion, merit to Professor, Step VI or merit to Professor, Above Scale, will be sent back to the department with instructions to solicit extramural letters, obtain a department vote and the dean’s recommendation.

  • If my department faculty believe that my request for a CER does not contain sufficient justification to support a review, can the department decide not to conduct the CER?
  • No. If you request a CER, this review must be conducted. However, the department is not required to recommend the advancement you have requested if it believes the advancement is not justified or if the department faculty feel that they do not have a sufficient basis for an informed decision.
  • How is a career equity review conducted?
  • If you submit a request for a CER to your department chair, following departmental review and faculty vote, the chair will write the departmental letter summarizing the vote/comments of your department colleagues. The file will then be routed among reviewers as required for the requested rank and step. The file will subsequently be forwarded to the Vice Provost’s Office, who will refer the file to CAP for its recommendation. CAP will report its recommendation to the Vice Provost for final action.
  • If I disagree with the outcome of my CER, can I dispute or appeal it?
  • Yes. Career Equity Review decisions may be appealed through the standard appeal process for merits and promotions, which is described in UCD 220 Procedure 5.
  • How many times during my career may I request a CER?
  • You may request a CER no more frequently than once every six years.
  • Are faculty who are currently at the Above Scale level eligible for a CER?
  • No.
  • Can a department, dean, FPC, or CAP recommend an off-scale salary award in lieu of a recalibration of rank and/or step?
  • No. CERs are intended to address inequities in rank and/or step, rather than salary.